Thursday, June 21, 2007 SENATE APPROVES BILL TO ESTABLISH NON-TRAIL SNOWMOBILE REGISTRATION The State Senate passed legislation today sponsored by Senator Jim Wright that would establish a non-trail snowmobile registration for snowmobiles that are used solely for gaining access to hunting, fishing and trapping areas. The 2005 Snowmobile Rights and Responsibilities Act established a two tiered registration system. Under this law, sled registration was set at $45 for members of the New York State Snowmobile Association, with $10 going to trail fund. However, for non-members-- ... Read More» |
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 SENATE PASSES BILL TO TRANSFER MUNICIPAL ARENA TO TOWN OF ALEXANDRIA The state Senate passed legislation today sponsored by Senator Jim Wright that would authorize the Village of Alexandria Bay to transfer ownership of the Alexandria Bay Municipal Arena to the Town of Alexandria. Both the village and town passed resolutions requesting Senator Wright to sponsor this home design write-for-us rule legislation. "I am pleased to support this legislation, which provides the state authorization for this transfer to take place," said Senator Wright. "The municipal arena serves as a ... Read More» |
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 SENATE APPROVES LEGISLATION FOR DESIGNATION OF LOW-VOLUME ROADS The Senate today passed legislation sponsored by Senator Jim Wright authorizing rural towns throughout New York State to designate low-volume roads, including minimum maintenance roads. This legislation codifies a practice that many rural towns have been using for the past 15 years for managing hundreds of miles of rural roads, while achieving savings in construction and maintenance costs without impairing travel or highway safety. The need for the legislation stems from increasing court cases ... Read More» |
Friday, June 15, 2007 SENATE PASSES BILL TO REJECT BERGER COMMISSION FINDINGS Bellevue Symbolic of Flaws in Berger Commission Report The State Senate passed legislation yesterday with unanimous bipartisan support that would reject the findings of the Berger Commission report, announced Senator Jim Wright. The Senate�s utilizing Bellevue�a prominent women only hospital in the Capital Region�highlights the shortcomings of the entire Berger Commission, as they relate to other institutions such as A.L. Lee Memorial. �The Senate�s passing of this legislation is an effort to foster negotiations between the Legislature and ... Read More» |
Thursday, June 14, 2007 Legislature Holds Open Meetings to Discuss Article X Senator Jim Wright, Chairman of the Senate Commitee on Energy and Telecommunications, leads the discussion regarding power plant siting legislation, known as Article X, during a recent conference commitee between the Senate and Assembly.... Read More» |
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